Trillium grandiflorum. Three broad leaves, three small green sepals, three petals, and a three-sectioned seedpod.
Oregon’s Pacific West Coast. Also know as the Goonies beach (Haystack Rock). Captured after a day’s long bicycle ride.
Berkut (Golden Eagle in Russian) aka Su-47 was the test-bed for Russia’s fifth-generation jet fighters. A distinguishing feature of the aircraft was its forward-swept wing that gave the aircraft excellent agility and maneuverability. It also happens to be my bi-cycle’s name.
When you run out of ideas, simply put some stones on top of one another. Somewhere in Arches National Park, Utah.
Experiments with Shutter Speed in the night. Note to self, next time turn off the tent lights.
I always tend to forget the name of this little cute peak. Legend has it that there is a pirate’s treasure hidden near by.