The Arrow of Intent

Disclaimer: A mere mortal’s attempt to understand the cosmos.

Thread I: Draw

For years, these words have been a restless whisper, a persistent urge to be inked. I suppose I kept refining the intention, each pass adding a layer, letting the ideas deepen like rich sediment. Or perhaps it was a subconscious draw to readiness, a feeling that I wasn't quite there yet. Looking back, it's clear: I've been stockpiling potential energy my entire life, like a bowstring drawn taut, always believing I could gather just a little more. Maybe it was also the inner explorer, the adventurer who craved uncharted territories, eager to uncover countless stories. And, sometimes, it was simply the quiet joy of boredom shared with cherished friends. Eventually, all of this led to this moment.

The time has come to give it all I have.

Thread II: Aim

At full draw, the arrow of focus crystallizes to a single point: a lifelong passion that holds my heart captive. This dedication fuels my pursuit of what ignites my soul. A love letter to the essence of my inspiration, where creativity and craftmanship meet. An adventure, driven by instinct, unfolds at my own rhythm, a dance between deliberate steps and spontaneous leaps. Publishing on my terms, honing my craft, and collaborating with friends who inspire me weave life and work into a fluid experience. Expanding knowledge, creating authenticity, and transcending imagination are the goals. Honoring the past, acting with purpose, and embracing my potential guide me. This journey travels the spectrum of thought. 

Ultimately aimed at kickstarting a New Golden Age of Storytelling.

“The Arrow of INTENT”

Thread III: Release

The last phase is about aligning with the natural flow of causality. It's about listening to the quiet voice of intuition, breathing deeply, and letting go. Without fear or concern for the outcome, because the action is complete, and what follows is beyond my control. The very act of release is the reward. It's about reaching the core of meaning, where perspectives shift, and you see with fresh eyes.

When your thoughts have reached the end of the line, and the only Now that exists, is Time.

Capsizing Horizons,
Sentencing Words to the Mind.
Rekindling Frozen Eyes,
Once Burned Down to Forgotten Lines.

Arrows of Intent,
In the Night they Take Flight.
Arrows of Intent,
That Make Eons Ignite.

Thread IV: Note to Future Self: 

This is your 'Future Self'... It's done; what you had asked for.